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Loan Spotlight: Experian Personal Loan Match

Applying for a personal loan is easier said than done. With so many lenders to choose from — in combination with varying terms and conditions — you could soon find yourself lost and searching for answers.

Fortunately, there’s a solution to this problem: Experian Personal Loan Match. 

With Experian Personal Loan Match, you can quickly compare personal loans from varying lenders to ensure you are choosing the right one. 

Here’s how it works

Getting started with Experian Personal Loan Match is simple. The first step is to get your FICO® Score and Experian Credit Report, which shows you the positive and negative factors impacting your credit.

Upon analyzing your individual credit situation, you will receive offers matched specifically to your situation. 

Finally, you’ll gain access to Experian’s data assets and smart analytics so that you can make more informed credit decisions in the future. 

Experian Personal Loan Match partners

Experian Personal Loan Match partners with many leading lenders, such as:

  • SoFi
  • Reach Financial
  • Lending Point
  • Avant
  • Best Egg
  • Prosper
  • One Main Financial
  • Achieve
  • Upgrade
  • Upstart
  • Universal Credit

With such a large network of lenders, Experian Personal Loan Match can connect you with personal loan offers regardless of your credit situation. 

Frequently asked questions

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions associated with Experian Personal Loan Match. 

How much does it cost?

This is perhaps the best part about Experian Personal Loan Match. The service matches you to personalized loan offers for free. There’s no credit card required. All you have to do is sign up to get started. 

How long does it take?

Once you sign up for an account, you’ll receive your credit score, credit report, and personal loan matches. You can then compare your offers to determine which one is best for you. 

What else do you get?

Other features of Experian Personal Loan Match include:

  • Access to Experian Boost (to increase your credit score)
  • Credit score monitoring and alerts
  • Free dark web surveillance report


Experian Personal Loan Match is an exceptional resource when seeking a personal loan that aligns with your financial situation. By offering a seamless process, personalized matches, and a wide range of reputable lending partners, this service simplifies the often overwhelming task of finding the right loan. 

Also, the added benefits of Experian Boost, credit score monitoring, and dark web surveillance reports make it an all-encompassing solution for managing your financial health. 

With Experian Personal Loan Match, you can navigate the personal loan landscape with confidence, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side. Don’t let the multitude of options hold you back from securing a loan. 


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